In 1926, Erwin Schrodinger gave a wave equation to explain the behaviour of electron waves in atoms and molecules. In the Schrodinger wave model of an atom, the discrete energy levels or atoms are proposed by Bohar.Consider...
Category - Physical Chemistry
The Schrodinger wave equation for hydrogen atoms yields three quantum numbers, n, l, and m., where n is the principal quantum number, which determines the electron’s energy to a large extent. That also determines the...
Formation of quantum mechanics or wave mechanics for the wave mechanical treatment of the structure of an atom rests upon a few postulates for a system moving in one dimension along the x- coordinate...
Introduction In the seventeenth century, Sir Isaac Newton formulated classical mechanics and obeyed macroscopic particles...
Let us consider an experiment in the pack of 52 playing cards. Each drawing of a card is called an event.It will be 52 events if we draw one card from a pack of 52 cards at a time. Those events are designated as E1...
For permutation and combination basic concepts here, Fundamental...
As per the below equation, \[\displaystyle...
What is Integration? The process of finding integrals is known as...
Derivative of function y =f(x) at point x is...
The Inclination of a line and the slope of a line What is Inclination?The angle at which the line makes with the positive...